An Overview Of The Asphalt Drum Mix Plant Process

If you work with asphalt regularly, you probably have an asphalt drum mix plant at your disposal. The process that is used to produce asphalt is somewhat complex, but it’s much simpler when you understand how this entire apparatus works. This type of equipment is somewhat large, but it is designed in a way that you can bring it with you as well. You also must consider the size of the aggregate material that you are using, and the speed at which the bitumen and other components are rotated together to produce the asphalt that you must pour. Here is a brief overview of how the asphalt drum mix plant process works.

asphalt drum mix plant process
asphalt drum mix plant process

It Begins With Cold Aggregate Material

Inside of those sizable drums is going to place aggregate material into the feed bins. This is a cold aggregate that is used to produce the asphalt. There are typically up to four separate bin feeders, with multiple types of aggregate material, each of which designated based upon its size. All of this material is going to be screened. This is typically thrown on top of a vibrating screen that can separate different sizes of aggregate. The larger components are going to be removed, whereas the smaller pieces of aggregate material will be fed into the drum.

What Is The Purpose Of The Asphalt Drum Plant?

This is where the mixing process occurs. Once the aggregate material has been dried and sorted, everything will be heated up. It is then that the bitumen is added, and over the course of several minutes, it will begin to liquefy. The drum will rotate, and this will allow the material to come together. Once done, if kept at the right temperature, it will be very easy to pour. You have likely seen these trucks on the side of the road and the large drum that was with it. All of this is happening behind-the-scenes, leading eventually to the roadways that we all drive on and take for granted.

How To Locate An Asphalt Drum Mix Plant

locating businesses that sell these particular units is not hard to accomplish. There are so many businesses in the roadway and construction industry, they must make these components available. Without them, if something goes wrong with their existing equipment, it would be difficult for them to do their work. If you do have a reliable asphalt drum mix plant process to follow, you can easily create asphalt anytime that you want.

asphalt drum mix plant
asphalt drum mix plant

Asphalt is a material that has been used to build the infrastructure of countries. It can last for a long time. Once you have used these machines, it will become second nature as you are producing the asphalt for each of your projects, or you can visit our website for more: You may end up getting more than one of these so that you can dispatch your workers to different job sites. If it is constructed by a reputable company, it will last for many years and will pay for itself in a very short period of time.