Important Things You Should Know About 20 Tons Overhead Crane

An overhead crane is used in many different industries. These are available in wide range of capacities and have a wide range of applications. Before you invest in a 20 tons overhead crane, it is important for you to understand its different applications and many types of cranes available in the market today.

20 ton crane
20 Ton Overhead Crane for Sale

A crane is used for lifting and moving materials. These are widely used in warehouses, factory floors, shipping hubs, railway yards and various other places where you need to lift and move materials. Overhead cranes are known by many different names depending on their application. For instance, a particular type of crane is used in warehouses depending on the space available for installation.

Another differentiation between cranes is made on the basis of their carrying capacity. A 20 tons overhead crane is able to lift and move weight of up to 20 tons in one cycle whereas a 5 tons overhead crane is capable of moving only 5 tons of weight at one time. As far as the application of a 20 tons overhead crane is concerned, these types of cranes are popular in the railway yards as well as in certain factory floors where huge amount of loads are required to be moved frequently.

quality 20 ton crane
Quality 20 Ton Crane for Sale

Overhead cranes offer a number of advantages over other methods of moving heavy loads. For instance, using a forklift or manual labor will take several hours to move such a heavy load. Also, there is the risk of causing damage to the goods being moved. There are no such issues with an overhead crane with 20 tons capacity.

These are specifically designed to efficiently and swiftly move heavy loads. Usually, only one to two operators are required to operate an overhead crane. Simply put, it is much cheaper to use an overhead crane as compared to using a forklift or manual labor or any other means of moving heavy loads.

Before buying an overhead crane, you need to know that there are many different types of heavy duty cranes available in the market. Therefore, you need to write down your specifications in order to choose the right type for your particular requirements. Some of the important factors you need to consider include the lifting capacity, span length of the crane, lifting height of the crane, lifting speed of the crane as well as its traveling speed.

As the name suggests, lifting capacity refers to the most weight it can lift and move in a single motion. The span length refers to the length of the crane. It will depend on the space available in your factory or warehouse. The lifting height reference to the minimum and maximum height to which goods can be lifted by the crane. The lifting speed refers to the rate at which the crane is able to lift the heavy load. It is usually measured in meters per minute. The traveling speed refers to the distance it is able to cover in a minute. Traveling speed is also usually measured in meters per minute.

Overall, there are many different types of overhead cranes and these different types have varied applications in various industries. When buying a crane, you should pay attention to the above tips to get great value for your money. Also, make sure the manufacturer is known for excellent quality products and offers a reliable after sales service.